Historic District

The City of Quincy has a significant historic district.  Many of the properties in this district have earned national recognition and are included on the national register of historic places.  The pictures below show some of the historic buildings in the district whose character the City would like to protect for prosperity.  The district is a tourist attraction and source of pride to the City.

Historic Building

Historic Building

The Building and Planning Department is working hard to ensure that the integrity of the historic structures within the district is maintained.  This was accomplished by touring the district more frequently looking for unapproved renovations that could alter the character of the district.  During the past year, the Quincy Historic Preservation Commission conducted several reviews for certificate of appropriateness for renovation work in this district.  A notice was also published advising property owners about the importance of maintaining the character of their property.  The City of Quincy's historic district is shown on the map below.

Historic District Map